Design / Banner illustration created for Friends of Hale Village
John Middleton, known as the Childe of Hale, was born in Hale Village, near Liverpool in 1578 - he apparently grew to the height of 9 feet 3 inches (2.82m) and slept with his feet hanging out the window of his house!
Because of his size the landlord and sheriff of Lancashire, Gilbert Ireland, hired him as a bodyguard. When King James I stopped by in 1617 to knight Ireland he heard about Middleton and invited both of them to the court, which they accepted in 1620. Middleton beat the King's champion in wrestling and received £20.
John Middleton died in 1623. He was buried in the cemetery of St Mary's Church in Hale. The epitaph reads, "Here lyeth the bodie of John Middleton the Childe of Hale. Nine feet three. Borne 1578 Dyed 1623." He is likely one of the tallest people in history. There is a pub in Hale Village, named "The Childe of Hale.' and a bronze statue 3m tall by local sculptor, Diane Gorvin.